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Thank you for your generous support!
What does your donation do?
Because the ministries of education in each country match the donated dollar approximately 20 to 1, each of your dollars represents:
$1 = 1 child studying the life of Jesus = 1 year.
8 out of every 10 children sponsored are impacted with the Word of God and experience a life change. Many of those same children become agents of change to their families as well.
Meeting Jesus changes everything. As Jesus becomes their best friend, their teachers and parents see improvement in their:
Jesus is the answer, the only answer.
Contact us
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Melody Meneses
Sugar Hill, Georgia, USA
Bill and Sandy Davidson
Zapote, San Jose, Costa Rica
Carla Davidson
Operations Administrator
Zapote, San Jose, Costa Rica
Holly Davidson
Finacial Administrator
Moravia, San Jose, Costa Rica
USA Office
Billing Address:
5885 Cumming Highway,
Suite 108 #314
Sugar Hill GA 30518
Central America Office
Proyecto Jesús para los Niños
Calle 41, Avenida 40
Zapote, San José
Costa Rica
(506) 8311-6808
(506) 8556-3531